What is CASA?

• CASA (the Consortium of Adoption Support Agencies) is a national forum representing registered Adoption Support Agencies (ASAs) in the UK, whether individuals or organisations.
• CASA provides information on ASAs, peer support between agencies, networking opportunities, a representational forum and a channel for promoting best practice.

What has CASA done?

Since its formal launch in 2006, CASA has been active on a number of fronts, including the following:

• Working with Ministers and Civil Servants on proposals for revisions to the adoption support services available to adopters.
• Brought together agencies and individuals in adoption support to share their work, knowledge and experience, including hosting a series of practice issues discussions.
• Worked closely with the British Association of Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) and the Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies on common issues.
• Worked with central government on the development of a commissioning framework for adoption support, and is represented on the Department for Education Adoption Stakeholder Group.
• Worked with Ofsted to review national standards and inspection framework and highlight key adoption support issues and establish good communications with the sector.

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