130807 Stakeholder Advisory Forum - PowerPoint presentation

SAF 8 July 2013

130514 Social Care National Consultative Forum Adoption and Fostering Care sub-group - Various resources

130514 SC NCF Res Care sub group minutes 14 May 2013 circltd 070613

130514 Social Care NCF Mins of Main Mtg 140513 DRAFT SRw OKd RC RM

130514 Adoption and Fostering sub NCF May 140513 circulated 240513

Children's Homes Action Plan Event May 13 main presentation

Action update - REPORT 380 Giving inspectors Views via phone RMorgan crcltd 070613

130304 APPG for Adoption & Fostering: Minutes & Power Point slides from the last meeting “The Recruitment Challenge”

APPG Carol Homden The Recruitment Challenge 4-3-2013

APPGAF Minutes of Meeting 4-3-2013 circ

130208 Social Care National Consultative Forum Adoption and Fostering Care sub-group – Agenda and minutes

130208 SC NCF Adptn-Fstrng Sub Grp mins 080213 circltd 220213

130208 Social Care National Consultative Forum Residential Care sub-group – Minutes

130208 SC NCF Res Care Sub-Group Mins 080213 DRAFT circltd 220213

121204 Social Care National Consultative Forum – Meeting notes

121204 Social Care NCF Mins of Main Mtg 04212 DRAFT JG circltd 020113 AB

121204 Social Care National Consultative Forum Residential Care sub-group - Minutes

121204 SC NCF Res Care Sub-Group Mins 041212 (3) circltd 020113

121204 Social Care National Consultative Forum Adoption and Fostering Care sub-group – Agenda

121204 SC NCF Adptn-Fstrng Sub-Grp mins 041212 circltd 020113

Response from Edward Timpton - APPG Adoption & Fostering January 2013, APPGAF Meeting Minutes 10-12-12, Harvey Gallagher NAFP 10-12-12, Permanence Planning for Children in Time of Austerity APPGAF 10-12-12

Response from Edward Timpson - APPG Adoption Fostering January 2013 APPGAF Meeting minutes 10-12-12 Harvey Gallagher NAFP 10 Dec 12 Permanence Planning for Children in a Time of Austerity APPGAF 10-12-2012

Social Care National Consultative Main and  Sub-group meetings: Minutes from meeting on 04-12-2012

121204 Social Care NCF Mins of Main Mtg 04212 DRAFT JG circltd 020113 121204 SC NCF Adptn-Fstrng Sub-Grp mins 041212 circltd 020113

Residential Care and Adoption and Fostering sub-group meeting: Minutes from meeting on 04-12-2012

121204 SC NCF Res Care Sub-Group Mins 041212 (3) circltd 020113

APPGAF meeting minutes, action points and David Holmes 'The Recruitment Challenge in Adoption' PowerPoint presentation from meeting on 16-10-2012

APPGAF Meeting minutes 16-10-12 circ Action Points - APPGA&F 16-10-12 circ David Holmes Presentation - The recruitment challenge in adoption - APPG 16th October 2012

Final agenda and papers for MAIN Social Care National Consultative Forum (NCF) 28-09-2012

CIRCULATED Response by 05-10-12 430pm Detailed Scoping Document - Effectiveness of IROs 4 Children's homes inspection outcomes April to June 2012 0 120928 Agenda SC NCF main meeting FINAL 1 120423 Social Care NCF Mins of Main Mtg DRAFT LP JGl PK JG JSm circ on 230512 0 120928 Agenda SC NCF main meeting FINAL

120910 PAC Ofsted Presentation - New Inspection Framework

120910 PAC Ofsted presentation_New Inspection Framework

APPG for Adoption & Fostering: Minutes & PowerPoint slides from the last meeting 17-4-2012

APPGAF Minutes 17-4-12 2012.04.17 - FCU Project, APPG A&F

APPG for Adoption & Fostering: Minutes & PowerPoint slides from the last meeting 22-2-2012

APPGAF Draft minutes 22-2-12 for circ SafeBase APPG Meeting CVAA - JF and AJC presentation to APPG 22nd Feb 2012 v2 AUK adoption support presentation - Feb 12